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St Thomas of Canterbury

In God's Love We Flourish
In Amore Dei Floremus

The Dignity of Work & Participation

A small number of very rich men have been able to lay upon the teeming masses of the labouring poor a yoke little better than that of slavery itself.

Rerum Novarum, 1891

Through our work, we help others to learn and grow closer to God. We know that we are all ‘Co-Workers’ and we work to contribute. We will try and work hard at school to become productive adults in the future. 

We show we care for The Dignity of Work and Participation by:

  • working hard at school to become productive adults in the future
  • respecting all workers
  • contributing to society
  • making responsible economic choices
  • supporting wellbeing and workers' rights
  • sharing our talents with others




Our Saint for the Dignity of Work, Participation & the Rights of Workers is St. Joseph the Worker


Prayers for Dignity of Work & Participation


The Cry of my Heart (The Workless)

Those leaves, they say, are like you

a tattered pile of rotting nothingness.

But you, God of life, you say they are

a living mound of composting goodness.

They say you are rubbish, a drain on society.

You, Refuge God, say you who are drained take rest in me.

They say work makes the man.

You, Creator God, say no work kills creation.

Ever loving God, Giver of life,

you made me an integral part of your creation

to know love and serve you.

With every breath I will work to do so.

My hope is in you, Eternal God,

who blesses me in all my undertakings.


- Joy Wanless/CAFOD