Rights & Responsibilities
Samuel told the people the rights and duties of the kingship.
1 Samuel 10:25
Speak out, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.
We need to understand what our responsibilities and rights are, and knowing how we can promote and live these out as ambassadors of Christ.
We acknowledge our rights and responsibilities by:
- recognising our duties as members of a community
- standing up for what is right
- following our school rules
Our Saint for Rights & Responsibilities is St. Vincent de Paul
Prayer for Rights & Responsibilities
Prayer for Humanity
God the Holy Spirit
Remove from us all desire for more money and possessions and cease our
relentless quest for comforts that we do not need.
Make us aware of how much we already have and help us to share our wealth
and time in partnership with all of humanity.
Ignite in us the fire of your love so that, filled with your Spirit, our faith is
awakened by renewed commitment and deed.
- Tony Singleton/CAFOD
Prayer To St. Vincent de Paul I
Noble Saint Vincent de Paul,
beloved servant of the poor,
may we follow your example and do good works
among those whom society has abandoned,
enslaved, or forgotten.
Inspire us to feed the hungry,
to love a child,
to provide comfort and medicine to the sick,
to clothe those whose garments are threadbare,
and to offer hope and our Lord’s words
to all who need respite.
Pray for us to our beloved God
that we may commit ourselves selflessly
to doing the same charitable acts
that you did all your life,
and intercede with him
that we may have the favour of his guidance
and strength and love upon this important and meaningful work.
Share the Journey
God our refuge,
you share the journey
with migrants and refugees,
lightening their footsteps with hope.
For you, Lord, are close
to the broken-hearted.
Pour out your Spirit
upon world leaders.
May they see the tragedies
of our human family,
and be moved to respond with
wisdom, compassion and courage.
Open our eyes and hearts
to the God-given dignity
of all your people.
Move us to welcome our neighbours,
and so bear witness to your love.
Through Christ our Lord,
- Cafod