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St Thomas of Canterbury

In God's Love We Flourish
In Amore Dei Floremus


Here at St Thomas of Canterbury, we pride ourselves on providing pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum, which is underpinned by our Mission Statement ‘In God’s love we flourish’.

The core values of our Catholic education remain central to the life of our school and we want our children to have a sense of self-worth through their experience of belonging to a caring community. We aim to develop the importance of the values and virtues, whilst respecting the differences of others.

Our curriculum is designed to develop independent, confident and successful learners with high aspirations and who are well prepared for life ahead of them. We aim to provide them with a clear understanding of the possibilities and opportunities that are there for them in life and we believe that our pupils should leave St Thomas’s with a love of learning and an understanding of the world that God has created for them.

The Catholicity of the school underpins what we do every day. All members of staff from teaching to lunchtime supervisors implement RE in a variety of different ways, whereby the choices they make promote our Catholic faith in all that they do. We ensure that families are supported in bringing their children up in the Catholic faith and we provide a well-rounded Catholic education.

For RE we follow the Birmingham Archdiocese's 'Learning and growing as People of God' for planning and coverage of the curriculum.