We expect all pupils at St. Thomas of Canterbury to proudly attend school well-presented and in the correct school uniform - PE kit is part of the school uniform.
All uniform should be clearly labelled with the child's name.
The children at St. Thomas of Canterbury will be wearing our uniform available at Crested Schoolwear in Walsall town centre (details below.)
School Uniform
All pupils are expected to wear/have the following:
- Black trousers / school tartan dress or pinafore (summer dresses are under review)
- White shirt with a collar (long or short sleeved)*
- School tie (new design is silver lined)
- School V neck jumper / cardigan (now fashioning new logo)
- Plain black school shoes with appropriate heel (not trainers)
- Plain grey / burgundy / black socks or tights
- Burgundy or school-coloured hair bobble
- Book bag
- Pupil planner
*Nursery Children only will be allowed to wear white polo shirts instead of white shirts and the school tie.
PE Kit
All pupils* are expected to have the following:
- Burgundy school polo shirt (available from Crested Schoolwear)
- Black shorts / Plain black leggings / Black sports skorts / Black joggers (school branded joggers are available at Crested Schoolwear)
- Black pumps for indoor PE (trainers may be worn for outdoor PE and games and/or appropriate boots for games played on grass)
- School black embroidered hoodie (available from Crested Schoolwear)
- Optional - A small towel for when games are played outdoors in light rain
- Optional - PE bag (the school's branded PE bag is available at Crested Schoolwear)
- Swimming Kit (as required - currently Year 4)
- Towel
- Swimming trunks / costume (no bikinis)
- Swimming hat
*Nursery children do not require a PE Kit
Children should come to school in PE kits on days or days they have sports clubs or sports events.
If you have any questions regarding extra PE items (e.g. shin pads, leotards, etc.) for clubs, please see the Clubs FAQs.
School Coat
Optional black school coats are also available at Crested Schoolwear. These coats are of exceptional quality. They are waterproof, fleece-lined and come with a roll-out hood hidden in the collar - these are highly recommended at only £23.99.
Crested Schoolwear
Crested Schoolwear, can be found online or on the high street, with our closest location being Walsall town centre.
7 Victoria Arcade
Tel: 01922 276 266
Items in School
The school office holds a few items, which can be purchased directly from the school office:
Replacement Planner | £2.75 |
Swimming Hat | £1.25 |
Palace Play, Shop, Eat
We are pleased to have a partnership with a local charitable organisation - Palace Play, Shop, Eat - where donated and unclaimed items of school uniform will be washed (with non-biological powders) and donated, where the local charity will have them all on view for parents to see if they have appropriate sizes of items such as cardigans, dresses, jumpers & PE tops.
All items of clothing sent to the store is in a very good to excellent condition.
Many times they ask for a donation of around only 50p per item and in the summer just past, they were giving two items for 50p.
Palace Play, Shop, Eat
Blakenall Row
01922 712069
Open Times:
Monday - Friday: 9.30am - 5pm (term time), 10am - 4pm (summer time)
Weekends: 10:30am to 1:30pm
No extreme haircuts*, including shaved patterns, overly differentiated lengths and dyed hair are allowed in school.
Children should not wear nail polish or have transfers (children's tattoos) applied for school.
Children's uniform should be clean and tidy.
Jewellery should not be worn or brought to school, with the exception of wristwatches.
Only small plain studs (no hoops or gems) are allowed in ears and these must be removed for PE and swimming.**
**Any ear studs or wristwatches worn by pupils are the sole responsibility of the pupil.
Pupils are responsible for their own uniform.
Parents/carers should write a message in their child's planner if they are unable to wear the correct uniform for any reason.
*at the discretion of the Executive Headteacher; please contact the EH if you need any advice