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St Thomas of Canterbury

In God's Love We Flourish
In Amore Dei Floremus

School Dinners

The cost of a school dinner is £2.50 per day / £12.50 per week.


Dinners must be booked and paid for each Monday.  You are required to send an envelope into school clearly marked with your child's name, class and 'Dinner Money' enclosing the correct amount.

If you think you might be eligible for free school dinners you can click the following links:





If you wish your child to change to sandwiches you must give the kitchen notice of at least a week, you can do this by contacting the school kitchen on 01922 720446.


We strongly recommend children have dinners. However parents who provide a lunch from home, must remember that as a healthy school we expect children to be provided with a healthy lunch – a balanced and nutritious meal. This means that we do not allow sweets, chocolate or fizzy and flavoured drinks in school. We encourage children having sandwiches to have a dinner on our special school dinner dates.


The only snack we allow to be brought in to school for eating at break time is fresh fruit. This is provided free to all children up to Year 2. The only drink we allow is milk (provided to children in the nursery and reception and water). Pupils need to provide their own water bottles which they are responsible for – including keeping them clean. 




School Dinner