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St Thomas of Canterbury

In God's Love We Flourish
In Amore Dei Floremus


Healthy School

At St Thomas of Canterbury Primary School we are aware of how important it is to eat a balanced diet and keep on top of our health and it is fundamental to the development of children’s health and wellbeing and their ability to lead healthier, active lifestyles. We also know healthy pupils are more likely to be effective learners. That’s why in our schools we’re focusing on what children eat and ensuring they stay active.



Along with Walsall Council's A*Stars incentive the children learn about healthier ways of travelling to school. Walking and wheeling are promoted and whenever the children choose these particular modes of transport they are rewarded with prizes. The children also have the opportunity to take part in walking and scooter/bike events as well as being taught the importance of road and pedestrian safety.




Tesco Farm to Fork

In partnership with Tesco, over the last few years pupils have had the opportunity to visit the supermarket and gain information based on how different foods arrive from the farms to their shops. The children had the chance to taste a variety of fruits and vegetables as well as visit the bakery and fishmongers to watch certain foods being prepared for sales. This is a scheme that was very beneficial to the children at St. Thomas of Canterbury and we hope that Tesco (or other food retailers) will continue with schemes such as these

Farm to Fork

For further guidance on how you as a parent can help your child live a healthy lifestyle at home take a look at the following links:



 Food a Fact of Life

 British Heart Foundation


Healthy Kids


If you would like to know more about our school dinners here at St Thomas of Canterbury simply click here:

School Dinners


Healthy School