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St Thomas of Canterbury

In God's Love We Flourish
In Amore Dei Floremus

Community Book Exchange

Reading is to the mind, what exercise is to the body


St. Thomas of Canterbury's Book exchange is not just for the children who attend our school.

Although we are naturally proud to offer even more chances for our children to access reading materials, we want to encourage the community as a whole to read, including children and adults from our street, other schools and other local areas, who may not be fortunate enough to have access to reading materials whenever they need them.

This is why we have built our Community Book Exchange on our school's grounds but outside of the school gates - meaning it is accessible to everyone - all year round & at any time of the day or night.

The Community Book Exchange was a project we completed with help from the Rotary Club of Walsall and was opened by the Mayor of Walsall, Anthony Harris alongside members of the Rotary Club.



From the first day of opening, both outdoor units have been full for people to borrow, take & exchange books and we are very thankful for donations made by The Rotary Club of Walsall, the local community, the school's staff, the church and others, who kindly donated an incredible number of books to get the project going perfectly.

St. Thomas of Canterbury School is committed to keeping the area clean and refreshed with books. The children (alongside staff) have taken on these responsibilities happily and we hope that the whole community takes advantage of this wonderful area as our children do on a regular basis.